Sleep Center

A healthy body deserves rest as much as nutrition. In this sense, “sleep” is one of the most important elements of healthy life. The quality of daily life of the person who does not get enough sleep due to various reasons decreases. This situation also reflects negatively on work efficiency.

In order to lead a healthy and happy life, regular sleep is considered an undeniable fact of life. The factors that disrupt this are among the major health problems. Your sleep quality directly determines the quality of your work and private life. If you feel like that you did not have enough sleep during the day, and experience uncontrolled sleepiness, you should definitely contact a specialist institution.

In our Sleep Disorders and Treatment of Palatal Snoring Unit, the causes of sleep disorders are determined and treatment is provided. Our experienced specialist physicians and assistant personnel provide services with modern technological equipment.

Sleep test polysomnography, which records brain and respiratory activities during sleep, is the most valid method for diagnosing sleep apnea. Our polysomnography services are performed in our hospital's sleep laboratory, where the treatment method is determined depending on the results.