Healthy Nutrition for Healthy Body

For this, we need to get enough fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Our body needs all nutrients.

How to eat for a healthy metabolism


Eat less (not recommended)

Eat more (recommended)

Fatty meat products

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains

Fatty meats (red meat + fatty chicken)

Lean chicken, fish, lean red meat

Salami, sausage, sausage, offal, lobster.

Tuna and canned fish


Whole milk, yogurt

Half-fat milk, yogurt

Full-fat cheese, cheddar, cheese varieties

Half-fat cheeses, curd.

Butter, cream, suet Etc.

Olive oil, vegetable oils, soybean oil

Fried eggs and products

Boiled eggs( 1-2 per week)

Chocolate, cream biscuits, cakes

Wholegrain, soy, oat biscuits and fatty foods

White bread, cakes, pastries

Whole wheat, oat, rye bread and products

Fried, Roasted, barbecued etc.

Grilled, boiled and baked


 Our eating habits are one of the most important factors affecting our physical and psychological activities. Unhealthy and unbalanced nutrition can lead to decreased thinking and comprehension ability and memory loss. If you feel tired, exhausted and reluctant even though you sleep 7-8 hours a day, if you get tired quickly in your physical and mental activities and forget what you have to do, it is definitely time to review your eating habits and consult a specialist.

Balanced Nutrition Recommendations to Keep Our Physical Vitality Active:

1. Do not start the day without breakfast and make sure that your breakfast includes foods such as cheese-grain bread-eggs-organic jam or honey-molasses-olives-tomatoes-cucumbers etc. .... that will keep you fit during the day.

2. Always consume 3 main meals morning-lunch-dinner and those with a busy work schedule can maintain their performance by adding 3 snacks.

3. Take care to drink 10-12 glasses of water daily.

4. People who work for a long time on foot and on foot should definitely eat dried fruits and nuts that will keep our mind and body alive such as walnuts-baden-dried figs-nuts-dried apricots in order to prevent energy drops.

5. If you do not want fatigue, exhaustion and sleep in the afternoon, avoid pastry and sugar at lunch and consume protein foods.

6. People who sweat a lot during the day can replace the minerals they lose by consuming 1 bottle of mineral water.

Bahattin Arslan R.D.